Advice to Pinoys working or studying in the US for the first time

Someone on one of my Philippine-based teams is going to be studying in the US for a quarter in 2024, and I offered to share some cultural advice/reflections to her prior to her departure; I figured it might be a fun post to open-source & share more widely, so here goes…

In no particular order — and being super explicit, even if some of this is obvious — as that’s kinda the whole point of this post:

OK those are the main suggestions!

Here are a bit more random thoughts, depending on your particular interests:

Overall, and most importantly:


Now read this

Working from home, 2020-2021: A year in review

Amidst the dramatic events of the pandemic, I’ve had one constant source of unexpected joy: the productivity, personal growth, and freedom I’ve discovered from working from home.1 I wanted to write up my experience to put all my thoughts... Continue →